Short Summary
- If you plan to buy an iPhone 5C then you have 2 options for the down-payment scheme, wherein one is with the payment of 11,600 INR and followed by 2999 INR every month, the other is with 20000 INR where you will have to pay 2599 INR every month.
- As we have reported earlier in the news that when Reliance launched iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 in India, they came with the cellular plan of paying up 2,999 INR every month for 36 months and they will be able to get iPhone 5C with the unlimited plan by RCom.
- iPhone 5S is truly exceptionally in terms of power when compared with the other two iPhone variants, but if you plan to buy the latest iPhone coming next year (which might have bigger screen as per the rumors) then you can actually wait and do nothing.
It seems that the plans put up by Reliance for the new iPhone are doing well in the market because with the unlimited calls and data usage on 3G (Conditions Apply) you will be paying 3600 INR (approx.) every month and then you will have the chance to lay your hands on iPhone 5S. The offer is not bad but Reliance Cellular Network coverage is not good in most of the cities across India and this may be the only reason why Reliance Stores are not overly flooded with the customers.
As we have reported earlier in the news that when Reliance launched iPhone 5S and iPhone 5 in India, they came with the cellular plan of paying up 2,999 INR every month for 36 months and they will be able to get iPhone 5C with the unlimited plan by RCom. The same is application for iPhone 5S if are ready to pay 3599 INR every month for 24 months.
But some new partial plans have been integrated with these and iPhone 4S has also been included. Users can opt to pay some partial amount of the device and then pay a lower amount every month. If you will calculate the amount of money being shelled out from your pocket by the end of the two years in both the plans, i.e. the first one where no down-payment is being done and then this partial payment plan, then you will observe that the total amount being for iPhone 5S (16GB) differ by only 2000 INR (partial payment plan will be 2000 INR cheaper).
If you plan to buy an iPhone 5C then you have 2 options for the down-payment scheme, wherein one is with the payment of 11,600 INR and followed by 2999 INR every month, the other is with 20000 INR where you will have to pay 2599 INR every month. Similarly you have got some options for iPhone 4S but as far as my recommendation is concerned then you should go for such plans if you are planning to buy iPhone 5S because the amount of money which will be paid is worth for that device only.
The reason being that iPhone 5S will be available for the iOS upgrade for the next three years, whereas for iPhone 4S the next iOS major upgrade will be the last one. iPhone 5S is truly exceptionally in terms of power when compared with the other two iPhone variants, but if you plan to buy the latest iPhone coming next year (which might have bigger screen as per the rumors) then you can actually wait and do nothing. Please let us know if you still have any other confusion regarding these offers.