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Blackberry Messenger: Introducing Voice Calling Feature in February Release

Blackberry has been trying their best to revamp their brand with the help of the Instant messenger which was not sold by them and rather it was made public to all the other mobile OS platforms, so that it could be used by other users also.


BBM has not been very popular since then, this might be due to low number of features as compared to the other applications like Line Messenger and WeChat which were already available on Android and iOS before BBM could come there.

So, in order to compete with them, BBM is trying to put out some new features in their new version. This new feature will help the users to converse with each other over internet, something which we have not seen on Whatsapp but it is the main feature due to which applications like Viber, Wechat and Line are being preferred.

This feature will be available on BBM Application from February onwards. As per my opinion the primary reason for its non-popularity is its UI because other IM application have a lot better UI as compared to BBM application. As of now they need to work a lot and they need to work pretty fast if they want to stay in the competition.

All the previous BBM smartphone users who have switched on to Android or iPhone never stopped loving BBM and so they would definitely jump back to this IM application if BBM manages to offer something decent to their users.

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Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh, a software engineer who is very much interested in social engineering. He is responsible to manage all the social media profiles of Gadgets To Use. He also has a hobby of tracking new apps and gadgets and to share them with our readers as well.View Author posts