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Indian startup RHLvision creates ‘Fin’, a wearable ring to control your gadgets

23 year old Rohildev, the young chief of Indian startup RHLvision, has just contributed to the wearable tech revolution by inventing the ‘Fin’ ring. According to RHLvision, this ring is capable of controlling innumerable electronic gadgets by staying attached to your finger.


Fin is RHLvision’s first ever development, something which earned them an invite to the CES that took place in January this year. The startup managed to raise over 1 crore INR through crowdfunding platform Indiegogo.

According to RHLvision, the device is capable of connecting with up to 3 separate Bluetooth devices. This can be your smartphone, your stereo, your car, game console… the list goes on and on. For instance, smartphone users can rub their finger against the thumb to zoom in to/out of their screens without even having to touch the screen physically. This is only one of the many applications that Fin can be used to accomplish.

The ring itself will be made out of waterproof, robust material that promises a long life. This, however, means that buyers have to pay a premium; the estimated retail price of Fin is almost 7,500 INR which makes it quite an expensive addon in a price-sensitive environment like India. However, the creators of Fin are hoping that the price goes down once the device is in mass production, with major components sourced from Taiwan.

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts