Earlier this year, Micromax Canvas Beat A114R was launched for the Russian market and now, it appears like the handset has been listed for sale in India. Well, the device is up for sale from the online retailer HomeShop18 carrying a price tag of Rs 9,499. The official website of the vendor has also listed this smartphone, but there is no word from Micromax regarding the same.
This is again a dual SIM smartphone that incorporates a 5 inch IPS LCD display packing a qHD resolution of 960×540 pixels. Under its hood is a Broadcom BCM2355 chipset that houses a quad-core Cortex A7 processor ticking at 1.2 GHz, Broadcom VideoCore IV and 1 GB of RAM. The device runs on Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean and features an 8 MP primary camera that is accompanied by a 2 MP front-facer.
The Canvas Beat bundles a 4 GB of internal storage space that can be expanded up to 32 GB with the help of a micro SD card slot. There are connectivity features such as 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and GPS and a 1,900 mAh battery that is rated to deliver 5 hours of talk time and 150 hours of standby time.
Key Specs
Model | Micromax Canvas Beat A114R |
Display | 5 inch, qHD |
Processor | 1.2 GHz Quad Core |
RAM | 1 GB |
Internal Storage | 4 GB, Expandable up to 32 GB |
OS | Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean |
Camera | 8 MP/ 2 MP |
Battery | 1,900 mAh |
Price | Rs 9,499 |