Sharp has just launched the Aquos Crystal smartphone with an edge to edge display at a price of just $240 (approximately Rs 15,000) in US. It comes with a 5.0 inch 720p display but the highlight is the fact that the smartphone is almost bezel free on the sides and the top. It comes with an edge-to-edge display and that is one of the things which make the device stand apart from the other mid range devices as the specs of the smartphone are pretty mid ranger.
It comes with a 1.2 GHz quad core Snapdragon 400 processor under the hood and a 1.5GB of RAM. Joining them is an internal storage capacity of 8GB coupled with an expandable storage ability of 128GB with the help of a microSD card slot. It runs on Android 4.4.2 KitKat out of the box and gets Harmon Kardon audio package. It gets Clari-Fi which allows you to recover information after compressing the music and LiveStage tech in order to allow you to stream to the Harman Kardon ONYX Bluetooth speaker.
The smartphone gets an 8 MP camera at the rear and a 1.2MP camera up front. The front camera unit is present at the bottom of the screen which probably is a move to cut down on the bezel. The rear unit has been loaded up to the brim with features such as HDR, framing advisor, night catch, Panorama, sequential shots and shutter detect. Connectivity options are plenty with 4G LTE, 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0 and microUSB making their way to the device.
Yoshisuke Hasegawa, Executive Managing Officer of Sharp Corporation at the launch said, "US consumers have long trusted the Sharp Aquos brand to deliver exceptional picture quality. We are thrilled to introduce the first smartphone from Sharp’s ground breaking Aquos line of devices to be available in the US, with the launch of the Aquos Crystal Smartphone in the U.S. and Japan. The already successful Aquos brand is taking another step forward among US consumers by adding the Crystal smartphone, which marries innovative technology with a vibrant display, as customers have come to expect from Sharp Aquos products."
Key Specs
Model | Sharp Aquos Crystal |
Display | 5 Inch , HD |
Processor | 1.2 GHz quad Core Snapdragon 400 |
RAM | 1 GB |
Internal Storage | 8 GB, Expandable |
OS | Android 4.4 KitKat |
Camera | 13 MP, 5MP |
Battery | 2,040 mAh |
Price | Rs 15,000 (approx) |