After Digiflip Pro XT 712, Flipkart has launched 5 new tablets in India with Intel processors, the cheapest one being Digiflip Pro ET701 with a 7 inch display. As expected Flipkart is offering several goodies including Free Digiflip Book Case, 70% off on 1-year subscription of any digital magazine from the India Today Group, Flat discount of 35% on shopping via the Myntra Mobile App and free 15 best-selling Flipkart eBooks worth over Rs. 1700 – further reducing its effective cost. Here are our first impressions of Digiflip Pro ET701.
Flipkart Digiflip Pro ET701 Quick Specs
- Display Size: 7 Inch 1024 x 600 Pixel IPS LCD
- Processor: 1.2 GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2520 processor with PowerVR SGX 544MP2 GPU
- RAM: 1 GB
- Software Version: Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean
- Camera: 2 MP
- Secondary Camera: VGA
- Internal Storage: 8 GB
- External Storage: MicroSD support up to 32 GB
- Battery: 2800 mAh
- Connectivity: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth 4.0, aGPS, Micro USB 2.0
- Dual SIM
- OTG Support – Yes
Flipkart Digiflip Pro ET701 Hands on Video
Coming Soon
Design, Build and Display
The tablet comes with a rubberized mate textured finish back cover and is comfortable enough to hold in both hands, being only 9.1 mm thick. Both MicroUSB port and 3.5 mm audio jack are present at the top edge. Speaker grills is present on the back side. On the whole, nothing too glamorous – nothing too shoddy, a built befitting the price tag. You also get to choose from Pearl White, Blue, Grey and Red colors.
Display is sweet 7 inches in size with beefed up bezels and although it attracts some smudges the 1024 x 600 pixel display is the most you can expect for this price. Viewing angles are above average and so are the colors on this IPS LCD display panel.
Processor and RAM
This time flipkart is using Intel Atom chipset in all these devices and Digiflip Pro ET701 gets Zenfone 4 equivalent 1.2 GHz dual-core Intel Atom Z2520 processor with PowerVR SGX 544MP2 GPU aided with 1 GB RAM. Initial UI transitions are smooth and we expect that to hold in the long run as well for basic usage. Both cores have hyper threading enabled (2 threads/ core), which mean you can rank them above other dual core counterparts.
Camera and Internal Storage
The thin line between tablets and smartphones has progressively diminished in past few months and people are now more comfortable holding a 7 inch Tab for primary photography. However, Digiflip Pro ET701 hasn’t got much to offer in this regard with a 2 MP rear and VGA front camera, both of which aren’t meant for photography enthusiasts
Internal storage is 8GB and can be further extended using MicroSD card support. Since the tablet also supports USB OTG, you have the option to carry all your media files in a USB flash drive.
User Interface and Battery
User interface is stock Android 4.2 Jelly Bean, which sounds dated, but Flipkart has assured that A kitkat update in under works. If you plan to use it as a multimedia device, the Jelly Bean won’t be a deal breaker either. Performance is expected to improve with a stable Kitkat update.
Battery capacity is 2800 mAh, which again sounds decent enough for an entry level Android tablet. We will comment more on the batter backup after our full review.
Digiflip Pro ET701 Photo Gallery
Conclusion and Price
Flipkart Digiflip Pro ET701 is an Entry level tablet and if you are looking for one, this can be a viable option. The tablet however won’t offer 3G or SIM card connectivity which many users prioritize in Indian market. The low cost tablet is meant for basic functionality and with several useful flipkart goodies on board, there is not much reason to complain at a price of 5,999 INR