Lava has announced the launch of a new entry level smartphone called Lava Iris 350 that is listed on the official website for a pricing of Rs 3,499. As of now, there is no word regarding the availability of the smartphone, but it is listed for sale on the e-commerce portal eBay India for a discounted pricing of Rs 2,999.
When it comes to its technical specifications, the Lava Iris 350 is fueled by Android 4.4.2 KitKat operating system and is given a 3.5 inch display with a HVGA resolution of 320×480 pixels. Energizing the smartphone is a 1 GHz single core processor of unspecified chipset backed by 256 MB of RAM. The handset comes bundled with 512 MB of native storage space that can be extended further by another 32 GB with the help of a micro SD card.
For imaging, the Lava Iris 350 flaunts a 2 MP fixed focus main camera with LED Flash and a VGA front facing basic selfie snapper. Connectivity features that are packed in the Lava smartphone include 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPRS/EDGE and dual SIM functionality. There is a 1,400 mAh battery operating under the hood of the smartphone with the ability to pump in up to 12 hours of talk time and up to 244 hours of standby time respectively.
Notably, Lava is gearing up to announce an online only smartphone brand from its subsidiary Xolo. This new brand will be selling its offerings exclusively via the upcoming e-commerce portal from Lava itself. It appears like this online only brand will be competing with the recent Yu brand of devices from Micromax that sell via Amazon India.
Key Specs
Model | Lava Iris 350 |
Display | 3.5 inch, HVGA |
Processor | 1 GHz Single Core |
RAM | 256 MB |
Internal Storage | 512 MB, Expandable up to 32 GB |
OS | Android 4.4.2 KitKat |
Camera | 2 MP/ VGA |
Battery | 1,400 mAh |
Price | Rs 3,499 |