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In a Land That Loves Bans, Zomato’s Food Porn Site Is Still Accessible

In a Land That Loves Bans, Zomato’s Food Porn Site Is Still Accessible

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Short Summary

  • Not resting on the laurels of being just a food-search engine, Zomato introduced their Cashless payments product in Dubai in February this year where customers could walk out of a restaurant without having to wait for a printed bill and later in April, select Metros in India saw the introduction of Zomato Order, the online ordering service to compete with the likes of other similar services that are a dime a dozen today.
  • Xxx domains), a site dedicated to food porn where if your picture received at least 10 likes on the Zomato site, it would get featured on this site for everyone to see.
  • You gotta hand it to the creative folks at Zomato – they’ll take a dig at every opportunity they get and rightly so.

You gotta hand it to the creative folks at Zomato – they’ll take a dig at every opportunity they get and rightly so! After the Indian government decided to crack down on the 857 porn sites that it painstakingly compiled, Zomato were quick to point out that their Food Porn site was still accessible.

Zomato on the Porn Ban
(As listed in the description of the Zomato Order Food Online app on Google Playstore)

Indian startup Zomato has sure come a long way since its inception in July 2008. Starting off primarily as a online listing of restaurants and their menus, Zomato launched in 2011 (following the introduction of .xxx domains), a site dedicated to food porn where if your picture received at least 10 likes on the Zomato site, it would get featured on this site for everyone to see.

After a spurt of global acquisitions from mid 2014 that saw Zomato acquire MenuMania, Lunchtime, Obedovat, Gastronauci, Cibando, Urbanspoon and Mekanist, it has since expanded its reach to over 10,000 cities across 22 countries which is no small feat! Post the Urbanspoon takeover, Zomato went ahead and redid their logo for the third time which also received a lot of attention and in true Zomato fashion, they handled it with style.

Zomato responds to Amazon

Not resting on the laurels of being just a food-search engine, Zomato introduced their Cashless payments product in Dubai in February this year where customers could walk out of a restaurant without having to wait for a printed bill and later in April, select Metros in India saw the introduction of Zomato Order, the online ordering service to compete with the likes of other similar services that are a dime a dozen today.

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Coming back to Zomato’s dig at the Indian governments fondness for bans (which I thought was hilarious), what do you think? Was it inappropriate? Did you laugh at it? Feel free to leave your comments below!

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Our Little Story and its youtube channel was founded in year 2012 by Abhishek Bhatnagar.

Abhishek Bhatnagar is a popular technology blogger & Tech YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, he works as the Editor-in-Chief at Gadgets To Use. He runs several other technology websites as well.