Xiaomi had launched their Redmi Note 3 earlier this month, and just after it was launched, it became a hot seller. Due to this great demand for the phone, a lot of people have been asking about the phone’s actual durability in one’s day-to-day usage. To demonstrate this, we tested the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 by performing various tests on it, and here is what he found out.
Redmi Note 3 India Drop Test, Scratch Test and Water Spill Test [Video]
First of all, we did a scratch test on the phone by using a few daily use objects and even a knife. We tried scratching the display with a coin, a USB flash drive, a Sim ejector tool and then finally a knife. While performing this test, the SIM ejector tool was able to give the phone a few scratches, when used with a high force, which finally ended bending the tool itself. Apart from that, none of the objects as such scratched the phone.
The next test we did was the drop test on the smartphone. This involved dropping the phone twice, one from a moderate above the waist height, as if you were taking it out of your pocket and it fell while you were taking it up near your face. The second drop was from a similar height but at a different angle. Even after the second drop, we did not notice any damage on the screen whatsoever.
Lastly, we did a simple Water Spill test to check if the phone comes with an Oleophobic coating or not. To test this, we dropped some amount of water on the phone’s screen and as soon as we did that, the water formed a drop on the screen itself. This proved that the phone has an Oleophobic coating to protect the water from spreading all the way.
From performing these tests, we concluded that the Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 has a good protection for the display though they do not mention which type of protection they are providing on the display. If it was a Corning Gorilla Glass, they would have mentioned that, but alas, they do not mention anything in their official specifications about the phone. Gladly, the phone survived the torture that we put it through.