Xiaomi recently launched MI 5 in India at a price of Rs. 24,999. Now, the company has unveiled Mi Max and the new MIUI 8 OS in China. Mi Max is the biggest Xiaomi smartphone till now with a super large 6.44 inch display, adding to that it is just 7.5 mm in thickness. The phone sports a metal body with a super massive 4850 mAh battery. Let us take a look at the Key Specifications of Mi Max and MIUI 8.
Xiaomi MI Max has a 6.44″ super large immersive display. It is powered by a Qualcomm Snapdragon 650/652. It has 4GB RAM, 128GB Flash and 128GB MicroSD memory. It is also equipped with a fingerprint sensor and an infrared sensor. Operating system would be coupled with the side launched MIUI 8.
Talking about the camera, it is equipped with a 16MP PDAF primary camera and a 5MP secondary camera with 85° wide angle lens.
As mentioned earlier, the metallic Mi Max is backed by a large 4850 mAh battery. It weighs around 203 grams and its dimensions are 173.1 x 88.3 x 7.5 mm, yes, just 7.5 mm thick. The phone can support dual 4G enable SIM’s. It is priced at 1,999 Yuan (Rs. 20,500 approx.) and will be available in three colors namely silver, gold, and grey.
Also See: Xiaomi Mi5 Unboxing, Quick Review, Gaming and Benchmarks
Coming to the new MIUI 8 (MI User Interface), this UI will be compatible with phones MI Max/2/2s/3/4/4c/4s/5 and all Redmi and MI Note series phones. Some of the features of MIUI 8 are power saving mode, multi window management, passcode and fingerprint security, grid view for better navigation, advanced calculators, barcode scanner, quick share controls, enhanced video editing tools and much more.