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This Fake Website Take User Info, Saying Order JIO SIM Online

It seems that fever of Reliance Jio SIM is motivating lot of Black Hats to do fishy stuff.

Meet this website named ShopDevs

We just came across a website which allows you to order Reliance SIM Online. So, will it actually deliver you that SIM? I strongly feel NO. We will strongly recommend you to say away from this and other similar website which are merely trying to capture your information.

This looks like an ecommerce website which has a product page of Reliance SIM with all the description about the plan. Once you check out after selecting the product it asks you fill in the name of your organization, Billing Address and Mobile Number.


Obviously they are not taking any money (Luckily payment gateways cannot be integrated without thorough terms and conditions). However, giving up your resident address and other contact details could be devastating too.

Once the order is successfully placed, you will also get a confirmation email (I hope that the website owner is just trying make sure that all the collected data is genuine).

Our Recommendation

Providing your contact information on such website will lead getting bombarded with load of spam mails and text messages on your smartphone (WhatsApp Messages too).

Reliance SIMs are available on their authorized stores only. So, if anybody website or any person is making such claims then it is not true at all.

Stay away from such websites. Let us know if you came across more of them.

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Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh, a software engineer who is very much interested in social engineering. He is responsible to manage all the social media profiles of Gadgets To Use. He also has a hobby of tracking new apps and gadgets and to share them with our readers as well.View Author posts