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Amazon India tried to run away with my 70,000 INR iPhone

So, I had ordered my iPhone 7 from Amazon India few days back. I ordered it using Exchange Offer wherein I had to return by iPhone 6.


Being a prime member, it was delivered to me in next few days and as expected the old iPhone 6 was also collected by them. I was not at home and hence all the due diligence and formalities were done by my family members.

Now, when you order any smartphone using Exchange offer then you are required to provide its IMEI number. Somehow, I entered that wrong and this was not verified by them while collecting my old iPhone 6.

After few hours of delivering iPhone 7, I started getting calls from their delivery guys saying that the IMEI number of returned device does not match with the one you mentioned on Amazon India. They wanted me come up with a smartphone which could match this IMEI number, which was obviously not possible.

Hence, after 1 hour of discussion, we came to a conclusion that they should take back the new iPhone 7 and return the old one.

After this, I called Amazon Customer care and reported about this incident. I also made sure that they change status of this product to undelivered. The customer care executive at Amazon changed the status at their end and sent me the screenshot too. However, it never reflected on the order status in my profile.

Final Status by Amazon India

I called Amazon India again, explained the whole situation in detail and then was asked to wait for 3 to 4 working days. They mentioned that this situation will be investigated because as per the information available at their end, iPhone 7 has already been delivered and they also have the signature of the recipient at home.

Well, I just hope that I get out of this mess and don’t end up paying 70,000 INR for nothing.

Expecting Amazon India to take a prompt action on this.

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Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts