GoPro, American action camera manufacturer, has launched GoPro Hero 5 series in India. The series consists of two variants: HERO5 and HERO5 Session. Both variants are compact and water resistant, which makes them suitable for filming actions while being immersed in it. They come with some nifty features like voice control, wide angle look, improved battery life and option to auto upload photos to GoPro Plus, a cloud-based subscription service.
GoPro Hero5 Features:
- 2-inch Touch Display + Simplified Controls
- Video Resolutions up to 4K at 30 Frames per Second
- Professional Quality 12MP Photos
- Auto-Upload of Photos and Video to Cloud when Camera is Charging*
- Voice Control with Support for 7 Languages (additional languages coming)
- Simple 1-Button Control
- Location capture
- Advanced wind noise reduction
- Waterproof Without a Housing to 33 Feet (10m)
- Compatible with Existing GoPro Mounts
- Stereo Audio Recording and Advanced Wind Noise Reduction
- Professional-Grade Electronic Video Stabilization
- Distortion-Free Wide Angle Video and Photos with New Linear-View Setting
- RAW and WDR Photo Modes
GoPro Hero5 Session Features:
- Video Resolutions up to 4K at 30 Frames per Second
- Professional Quality 10MP Photos
- Auto-Upload of Photos and Video to Cloud when Camera is Charging*
- Voice Control with Support for 7 Languages (additional languages coming)
- Simple 1-Button Control
- Waterproof Without a Housing to 33 Feet (10m)
- Compatible with Existing GoPro Mounts
- Professional-Grade Electronic Video Stabilization
- Distortion-Free Wide Angle Video and Photos with New Linear-View Setting
Price and Availability:
Hero 5 is priced at 38,000/- and Hero 5 session is priced at 29,500/-. They are available for purchase from Flipkart, Reliance Digital stores and various brick-and-mortar stores. These cameras are destined towards people who love to capture moments while doing adventures. If you are one of them, would you pick Hero 5 series? Let us know in the comments section.