HMD Global unveiled the modern avatar of the legendary Nokia 3310 at Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2017 in February. After more than two months, the phone is finally hitting Indian shelves on 18 May. It will be available in Yellow, Grey, Blue and Red color options across retail mobile stores in the country. Strikingly, HMD Global priced the device at Rs. 3310.
Speaking about the launch, Ajey Mehta, VP-India, HMD Global said “Talk all day on a single charge, send texts, take pictures and enjoy a pocket jukebox with a built-in FM Radio and MP3 player. Our reinvention of this classic design is sure to make you smile. It’s got everything you remember, but with a modern twist. So whether you’re after a feature phone that offers amazing battery life in a head-turning design or a companion phone, the Nokia 3310 won’t let you down.”
Nokia 3310 Specifications
Talking about specifications, it comes with 2.4-inch QVGA display, a 2MP camera with LED flash on the back, and a removable 1200mAh battery that can provide upto 22 hours of talk time. It has 16MB internal storage that can b expanded upto 32GB via microSD card.
Connectivity features include 2G, microUSB 2.0, Bluetooth 3.0, and a 3.5mm audio jack. Weighing 79.6 grams, the feature phone measures 115.6×51.0x12.8mm.
It runs on Nokia Series 30+ OS.
The most intriguing part is the legendary snake game with few tweaks is back on this phone. The beautiful keypad with buttons placed at a reasonable distance will enrich the experience of the game.
Will you buy Nokia 3310 (2017) at this price or will you invest few more bucks and buy a decent Android smartphone? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section.