Intex Aqua S3 is the newest entry-level Android handset to launch in India. Priced at just Rs. 5777, the smartphone sports a 5-inch HD display, quad-core processor, 2GB of RAM and runs Android 7.0 Nougat. The device has a 2450mAh battery with fast charging support. The Intex Aqua S3 will be available for purchase soon through online and offline retailers.
Intex Aqua S3 Specifications
The newest smartphone from Intex looks decent with its metallic exterior and 2.5D curved screen. The 5-inch HD (1280 x 720) display sits right at the top of the handset. Inside, there is a Spreadtrum SC9832A SoC. The quad-core chip has four Cortex-A53 CPUs running at 1.3 GHz each. This is mated with a dual-core Mali 400MP GPU clocked at 512 MHz.
Coming to the memory department, the Aqua S3 comes with 2GB of RAM along with 16GB of onboard storage. There is an expandable memory card slot too. The smartphone runs Android 7.0 Nougat out of the box.
An 8 MP autofocus camera sits at the back of the Aqua S3, while a 5 MP selfie unit is at the front. Both the snappers have their own dedicated LED flashes.
Connectivity-wise, the Intex Aqua S3 supports 4G LTE and VoLTE along with the usual options. There are a 3.5 mm headphone jack and FM Radio support too. The handset is 9.8 mm thick and weighs at 164 grams. However, this bulkiness is not acceptable as the phone has a meager 2450mAh battery inside.
Also read: Intex ELYT e7 Launched At Rs. 7,999 – 4020mAh Battery, Fingerprint Sensor
Intex Aqua S3 Pricing and Availability
The Intex Aqua S3 features a price tag of Rs. 5,777. It will be going for sale shortly through the various online and offline distributors across India.