Japanese camera maker Canon has launched six new printers in its G series of ink tank printers in India. The new Canon printer models include Pixma G 1010, G 2010, G 2012, G 3010, G 3012, and G 4010. The new Pixma G Series printers will be available at a starting price of Rs. 8,195 and the price goes up to Rs. 17,425.
The new Canon printers feature a front-facing built-in ink tank system which makes it convenient to monitor ink levels and to refill when required. The company also says that the new Pixma G series comes with Canon’s hybrid ink system that offers high-resolution images with good photo quality. Canon has also improved the durability of the printers.
Pixma G4010
Starting with the Pixma G4010 first, it is a multifunction printer that can be used to print, copy, scan, and fax. It has a 20-sheet auto document feeder along with two-line LCD display that simplifies copy and scan work. The printer also supports Wi-Fi and can be operated easily using the Canon Print Inkjet or SELPHY print and scan application.
Pixma G3010, G3012
The Pixma G3010 and Pixma G3012 printers come with a 1.2-inch LCD display. The printers also feature a variety of configuration options including WiFi setup. The printer supports direct wireless connection to mobile devices and tablets without the need of a router. It is a multifunction printer that copies, prints, and scans easily to mobile phones, tablets, and laptops over Wifi.
Pixma G2010, G2012
The Pixma G2010 and Pixma G2012 printers offer high volume printing for users that are connected to PCs. It also comes with a 1.2-inch LCD panel, which makes it easy to execute multiple copies and scan jobs.
Pixma G1010
The Pixma G1010 is for users and businesses with high volume printing needs. This is a low-cost printer which costs only Rs. 8,195. It offers a 1.2-inch LCD panel which makes multiple copy and scanning.
Commenting on the latest launch of Kazutada Kobayashi, President & CEO, Canon India said, “Keeping customer delight at the forefront of all our innovations, this launch of the new PIXMA G series printers is another endeavor to provide superior quality printing experience, complimented with low cost, high-performance printing with improved durability. We are optimistic that this new line up of products will become an eminent contributor in supporting our vision of doubling our growth this year.”