Earlier today, Qualcomm announced its latest Snapdragon 675 processor at the 4G/5G Summit in Hong Kong. At the event, Xiaomi Managing Director, Manu Jain said that the company would launch Snapdragon 675-powered smartphone next year. He did not reveal any other specs about the upcoming device.
To recall, the Snapdragon 675 SoC was launched earlier today as an upgrade to the Snapdragon 670 that was launched back in August this year. Qualcomm claims that the new Snapdragon 675 SoC offers 30 percent faster game launch, 35 percent faster browsing, and 20 percent faster music launch compared to the Snapdragon 670.
Met Cristiano @cristianoamon, Qualcomm's Global President, during #4G5Gsummit. @Qualcomm & @Xiaomi have been great partners.
Qualcomm announced a new SoC: #Snapdragon675, which will come to devices next year. #Xiaomi will launch a new device with this incredible chipset. 🤝 pic.twitter.com/WhMABcfUlx
— Manu Kumar Jain (@manukumarjain) October 23, 2018
The Snapdragon 675 is based on 11nm manufacturing process technology. The octa-core processor has 2 performance (based on Cortex A76) cores and 6 efficiency (based on Cortex A55) cores. It also has new Kryo 460 CPUs, enhanced AI Engine, Spectra 250 ISP, and Adreno 612 GPU. The Snapdragon 675 has support for three front or rear cameras with features such as telephoto, wide angle, enhanced portrait mode, and 3D face unlock.
Qualcomm has already said that the Snapdragon 675 chipset is available for OEMs for testing and the devices powered by it are expected to arrive in Q1 2019. So, we can expect the new Xiaomi phone by then only. Moreover, it is expected to be a power-packed mid-range smartphone.