Xiaomi launched a new Mi Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker in India today. The speaker comes with 5W output, IPX5 ratings for water resistance and Bluetooth 5.0 support. It has a one-key function to answer or end calls. The device comes with up to 20 hours of battery life. The speaker also lets you access voice assistants (Google Assistant, Alexa or Siri) with just touch of a button. Let’s check out its full features, price and availability details.
Features & Specs
The Mi Outdoor Bluetooth speaker offers 5W output for clear sound and punchy bass. The diaphragm of the speaker comes with a Canadian longer fiber film with a great damping system that controls the vibration and makes the sound more natural & clear.
The speaker has a built-in passive radiator that effectively enhances the low-frequency sound effects, brings in perfect sound texture and offers a brilliant sound quality.
The speakers are also water-resistant with an IPX5 rating that protects against splashes & spills. These are palm-sized speakers with a loop strip to easily carry them. The speaker packs a 2000mAh battery with up to 20 hours of battery life.
The device has Bluetooth 5.0 support and comes with a one-key function to answer or end a call. It also has an AUX port to connect devices without Bluetooth support. The speaker also works with the voice assistants on Android & iOS with the touch of a button.
Price, Availability
The Xiaomi Mi Outdoor Bluetooth Speaker is priced at Rs. 1399. It comes in Black color and is available from mi.com.