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Ubuntu Smartphone OS Running On Samsung Galaxy Nexus – Announced at CES 2013

As of now Android was the only Open Source Application which was available in the smartphone market and I must say that this smartphone OS has really become very much popular among the users and the applications on the Play Store is getting multiplied every year. But now recently at CES 2013, a new open Source smartphone OS has been announced and this is none other than Ubuntu. Now there are certain reasons due to which many developers and experienced users are looking towards this OS. In this post we will share all the points which can pull you towards this OS.


Ubuntu Linux Platform for Desktop has been known for its better UI experience without being heavy for the computer and being Virus-free. Yes, it takes time to get associated with that OS because almost all the operations happen with the terminal window. Now let us see that at what features Ubuntu Smartphone OS is targeting.

  • They will reduce the number of barriers while performing the basic operations on your Phone. For example, if you want to chat with a person on Facebook or GMail or via SMS, then currently you will have to open the different and appropriate applications to do the same, but they will reduce it by creating a common window for all those messaging.
  • Navigating among the applications will be easier, it will be exactly similar to the ‘Zypher’ jailbreak application used in iPhone. Where you can swipe your fingers towards the on the screen to switch to the last application used by you.
  • Minimize the hardware buttons, by removing the Home button (only ‘Power’ button available on the phone). You will only have to swipe your finger towards the right from the left edge of the mobile screen to reach the Home Screen.
  • Home screen will not simply have all the application installed by you, but they will be prioritized by the number of times it has been used you. So, generally a user uses 5 or 6 applications every day and thus they will always be available at the top. The main feature is to increase the ease in the approachability of all the application on your phone.
  • Every functionality will be available with the gestures on your phone.

You can take a look at the video mentioned below to know more about this OS which is being shown on Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone

Ubuntu OS Running on Samsung Galaxy Nexus


I personally feel that this smartphone OS will be a good competitor in no time and the best part will be its UI gestures and virus-free environment. But as mentioned at CES this will be released in early months of 2014.

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh, a software engineer who is very much interested in social engineering. He is responsible to manage all the social media profiles of Gadgets To Use. He also has a hobby of tracking new apps and gadgets and to share them with our readers as well.View Author posts