Panasonic india has launched the new series of rugged tablets for business users, the new tablet includes Toughpad FZ-G1 priced at Rs. 1.79 lakh which is a 10.1 inch windows 8 rugged shock proof, water proof and dust proof tablet for industry users and the second tablet is Toughpad JT-B1 which is a 7 inch tablet which is also rugged and designed for one handed use. It comes with Windows 8 Pro has 10.1-inch WUXGA (1920×1200) touchscreen and active digitizer pen which comes with the tablet powered with 3rd Generation Intel Core i5-3437U vPro (1.9GHz upto 2.9GHz) Ivy Bridge processor has 128-256GB SSD storage options, 4-8GB RAM, optional microSDXC, MIL-STD-810G, 4′ drop, IP65 certified, 14° to 122°F (operational temp range), Dimensions : 10.6″ x 7.4″ x 0.75″, Weight : 2.43 pounds and has a User replaceable battery, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/, 3G, Bluetooth 4.0, optional embedded 4G LTE, Micro-USB, Full-size USB 3.0, HDMI, Full-size USB 2.0, wired LAN, dedicated GPS
Panasonic Toughpad JT-G1 Photo Gallery
Panasonic Toughpad JT G1 Review [Video]
Coming soon…
JT B1 7 inch android tablet priced at Rs. 69000 INR has a replaceable battery with 4 point multi touch, it IP 65 certified and has GPS, wifi, NFC, Bluetooth and 3G feature optional. It has micro USB port for data syncing and charging and comes with a 3 years warranty and also come with a stylus for signature capture and support handwriting with 3rd party apps and also has OTG support.
It has 7-inch WSVGA display with resolution (1024 x 600), Android 4.0.4 powered with 1.5GHz Dual core TI OMAP4460 processor, 16GB internal storage, microSDHC, 1GB RAM, MIL-STD-810G, 5′ drop, IP65, 14° to 122°F (operational temp range), 13-megapixel auto focus with LED, 1.3-megapixel front camera, 5,720mAh user-replaceable battery (8-hour battery life), Dimensions 8.7″x 5.1″ x 0.7″, weight 1.2 pounds
Panasonic Toughpad JT B1 Photo Gallery
Panasonic Toughpad JT B1 Review [Video]
Coming soon..
Please Note: Panasonic has also launched two more devices under the handheld computers for the logistics industry.