Panasonic india has launched their first android smartphone in india, it called P51 which has a 5 inch screen size with IPS LCD Display, it has 1.2 Ghz Quad core processor, it comes powered with 4.2 jellybean. It has got a 1.3 MP fixed focus camera which is capable doing a HD video chat.
You get 1 Gb of RAM and 4 GB Internal Storage and expandable upto 32Gb and it is also pretty thin at only 8.5mm and it has 3.5mm audio stereo jack, bluetooth 4.0 and has assisted GPS and also have MicroSD card to expand the storage you and use upto. It has a battery of around 2500 mAh Battery is non removable and its dual SIM capable with active standby feature.
It has 8 MP camera with autofocus rear camera and its around 135 grams in weight, It seems to be a another budget quad core, dual sim phone as per the initial looks, it seems to be powered by the Mediatek 6589 Chipset, see the detailed specs below.
Panasonic P51 Hands on Review [Video]
Panasonic P51 Hands on Photos Gallery
Panasonic P51 Price and Availability
Panasonic P51 is priced at Rs. 26,900 INR and will be available in few weeks, starting May 2013.
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