LG Google Nexus second edition is expected to hit Indian market later this year. The stage is being set as for the new Nexus tablet as is evident from the subsequent price cuts Old Nexus 7 is receiving. The tablet’s (WiFi variant) price was slashed to 11,999 few weeks back and now Google Nexus 7 tablet, originally launched for around 16,000 INR, is available for only Rs. 9,999 on flipkart. Also Apple iPhone 4, which has now been discontinued, received a price cut and is now available for Rs. 21,500.
Google Nexus 7 was the undoubted star tablet of last year and it comes with 7 Inch LED Backlit IPS LCD display with 1280 x 800 pixel resolution. The 10 point Multi touch capacitive display has a pixel density of 217 ppi which many domestic manufacturers are still not able to match in their budget tablets after a year
This tablet is powered by Nvidia Tegra 3 chipset with 1.2 GHz quad core processor based on Cortex A9 architecture. The RAM capacity is 1 GB and internal storage is 16 GB in the Rs. 9,999 variant. The 32 GB variant is available for 13,499 INR.
This tablet has a 1.2 MP front facing camera capable of HD recording and has a 4325 mAh battery. This tablet runs on Android 4.1 Jelly bean operating system and still remains one of the most popular Android tablets even after one year of its launch. This tablet however does not have 3G connectivity. The 32 GB WiFi and 3G model which was launched at 21,999 INR is now selling for 16,999 INR.
The Apple iPhone 4 also received a price cut and the 8 GB variant with MRP of 26,500 can now be bought for around 21,500 INR. The Apple iPhone 4 has now been discontinued and is more than 3 years old. The new iOS 7 doesn’t run as smoothly on it and the performance is degraded beyond what is expected from an iPhone. The iPhone brand however still continues to inspire people.
iPhone 4 comes with 3.5 Inch Retina display (330 ppi) with 1 GHz Cortex A8 processor in the Apples A4 chipset. The phone sports a 5 MP auto focus camera and a 1420 mAh non removable battery which gives you up to 14 hrs of Talk Time. The specifications may seem of yesteryear, but the phone still enjoys the reputation of being extraordinarily durable. The 16 GB model priced at 31,500 INR is now available for Rs. 25,000 INR.
Key Specifications Google Nexus 7
Model | Asus Google Nexus 7 |
Processor | 1.2 GHz Quad core |
Display | 7 Inch, 1280 x 800 |
RAM | 1 GB |
Internal Storage | 16 GB/ 32 GB |
O.S. | Android 4.1 Jelly Bean |
Camera | 1.2 MP |
Battery | 4325 mAh |
Price | Rs. 9999/ Rs. 13,499 |
Key Specifications iPhone 4
Model | iPhone 4 |
Processor | A4 Chipset |
Display | 3.5 Inch, Retina Display, 330 ppi |
RAM | 512 MB |
Internal Storage | 8 GB/ 16 GB |
O.S. | iOS 6 upgradeable to iOS 7 |
Camera | 5 MP/ VGA |
Battery | 1420 mAh |
Price | 21,500/ 25,000 |