Samsung had earlier announced it will launch two budget smartphone in Indian Market. The first phone was Samsung Galaxy Trend (Quick Review) which was priced at Rs. 8,490. The Second budget Android phone from Samsung is Samsung Galaxy Star Pro and has been priced at Rs. 6,989.
This phone sports a 4 Inch Display with WVGA 480 x 800 pixel resolution. The display resolution is similar to Samsung Galaxy Trend. The Android version has been improved to Android 4.1 Jelly bean in this smartphone.
This phone will be powered by 1 GHz single core processor based on Cortex A5 architecture which is quite old technology now. The RAM capacity in this device is 512 MB and the internal storage capacity is 4GB. The storage can be further extended using MicroSD card support. The chipset specifications are also similar to Samsung Galaxy Trend launched earlier this month.
The primary camera has been downgraded to 2 MP compared to 3 MP in Galaxy Trend. The battery capacity remains same too at 1500 mAh and various connectivity features include 2G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, MicroUSB 2.0 and 3.5mm audio jack. The absence of 3G will be a deal breaker for many. This Dual SIM phone comes with Smart Dual SIM feature which will allow you to receive call on one SIM even while taking a call on the another.
This phone from Samsung will compete with phones like Micromax Canvas Fun A63 and XOLO A500S. As we can see, compared to Galaxy Trend, it is 1,500 INR cheaper and features better operating system. Only downside will be 2 MP camera in place of 3 MP. Samsung Galaxy Star Pro gives much better value for money and can be bought from Homeshop18 for a price of Rs. 6,989.
Key Specifications
Model | Samsung Galaxy Star Pro |
Processor | 1 GHz Single core |
Display | 4 Inch, WVGA |
RAM | 512 MB |
Internal Storage | 4 GB |
O.S. | Android 4.1 Jelly Bean |
Camera | 2 MP |
Battery | 1500 mAh |
Price | 6,989 INR |