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BBM Adds more than 20 Million Active Users in just one Week

Well BBM messenger has finally arrived and the waiting list has also been dealt with. After a sluggish start and one month of Struggle BBM is finally there for All! The Amazing demand for BBM is evident from the fake apps that were spotted on Play Store and from the fact that in spite of all the delay BBM messenger has over 20 Million New active users in the very first week!!


The total active users on this platform now stand at 80 million. BBM also enjoyed the status of Top Free App Downloaded in Google Play for 35 countries. BBM also clarified in the statement below that it is only counting users engaged in Active conversations and the number doesn’t reflect mere downloads.

It is great to see so many people downloading BBM, but the true measurement for us is engagement – the connections being made and the conversations in which our BBM community engages. The power of BBM has always been the active, real conversations and interaction that our customers enjoy,” said Andrew Bocking, Executive Vice President of BBM at BlackBerry. “From here on out, we will focus on active users of BBM and will no longer focus on simple download numbers.”


BBM messenger is a messaging app for allowing you to engage in secure cross platform communications which includes text messages, voice notes and pictures. All the buttons seem to be situated at the right place and to share your BBM Pin has panache to it which Indian youth is definitely enjoying.

BBM plans on further enhancing this platform and include features like Video calling, voice calling and BBM Channels. You can download BBM from your Android and iOS app store and you can also download it from BBM website directly. This Messenger is quite promising and there is no saying how much more BlackBerry could have achieved by taking this move couple of years ago. Now BBM has to move against well established competition like WhatsApp with over 300 million users.

Deepak Singh

Deepak Singh

The Author spent a significant chunk of his formative years resisting technology. He now keeps an eye on where the world is heading to, and drives a passive pleasure from this indulgence. His passion to write, learn and improve drives him each day. When his day ends, he enjoys the pleasant languor and detoxifies with family. You can connect with him on and TwitterView Author posts