UC Browser is the best browser application available on the Android device, be it downloading anything from web, or probing for the fastest browsing possible on your Android device, UC browser serves to these requirements. So, now when tablets are the new trends in the handheld devices, UC Browser has introduced some new features which caters to the needs for the users who specifically use the tablets for their browsing on the go. Let us dig into the details of those features one by one.
HD View
With every icon and image being shown on the screen gets enlarged due to the extra screen size, clarity is the most important thing which makes your eyes feel about something you want to view. So, now they have put in some large fonts, larger icons for the sidebar on the browser and better gesture control.
Inbuilt video-Player
Now when a video is needed to be played on your browser, then it will not take you to the default video player application but the browser will play that video in its own. Giving you a feel as if you have been working on a laptop or your computer.
Smart Gestures
Usually in order to zoom or to go backwards or forward there are certain buttons allocated to the browser toolbar but on such a small screen sometimes it gets tedious to find them and use them. So, though those buttons have not been removed yet but everything with the help of those button can also be done by the gestures of your single finger. However, You can turn that feature off, if you feel that it may be troublesome for you to handle them.
Intelligent Text Zoom
This phone wherein the text available in the Google Chrome browser compared with the UC Browser shows that reading on UC browser is way better than Google Chrome because UC Browser spaces out the lines and the words on the web page making it easier for you to read.
Page Preloader
This feature will load the next page already associated with the current page. Now you may say that there are many link available on the page and no one can decide that what will be my next page, so UC Browser preloads the most common next page possible, (mostly hyperlinked under the word named ‘NEXT Page’).
These are some of the important features, which will surely attract lots of attention from the users and yet UC browser is on the top of list on the browsers application, it will continue to do so for longer period of time.