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ASAS Launches One Touch Emergency Response Pan India Service

With the rise of safety concerns of the public in India, a plethora of firms are coming up with security apps that can be downloaded on smartphones or tablets. Such apps utilize the GPS and mobile data to trigger an alert during emergency situations. Adding to the already growing number of security applications, New Delhi based ASAS has come up with One Touch Emergency Response.

one touch emergency response

This service addresses the security needs with its exclusive 24×7 Pan India Emergency Assist Helpline that is aimed to deliver safety, security and promise to the users in distress.

On making a call to this Emergency Assist Helpline, the user will receive On-call assistance to handle the situation that they are facing, 3 way conferencing and coordination with local fire stations, hospitals, police, taxi services and other agencies and also coordination with emergency contacts.

The OTER Command and Control Center (C3) offers 24×7 quick respsonse and coordination and a verified and well researched database of third party contacts including medical services, law and order agencies, state emergency services and taxi services among others. This database is available for over 65 main cities in India including Mumbai, Chennai, Bangalore, Amritsar, Pune, Chandigrah and more.

The C3 is the main concept of One Touch Emergency Response and it can be accessed 24x7x365. In case of any emergency, users can access this service to activate a SOS alert that will involve trained personnel to coordinate with the aforementioned services and also inform the user’s family or loved ones.

Being based in New Delhi, the firm has already established an advanced Emergency Response Service in the NCR region, while the OTER on-call assistance is available across the major metros as mentioned above. In NCR, the Physical Response Service is priced at Rs 250 per month and the Emergency Help Desk service covering Pan India costs Rs 50 per month.

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Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts