iBall appears to be on a launch spree has the vendor is coming up with new smartphones and tablets at regular intervals. The latest offering is the Andi Uddaan Mini that is priced at Rs 5,699. Similar to the Andi Uddaan, the miniature model also comes with safety features aimed at the women users.
Well, there is an inbuilt SOS button below the camera at the back of the smartphone. On pressing the SOS button, the smartphone will ring a siren alerting people around the user and will send a pre-defined message to five emergency contacts. It will also call five numbers and update the user’s location with geo-codes on Facebook provided it is connected to the internet.
The Andi Uddaan Mini houses an IPS display of unspecified screen size and resolution and it is powered by a quad-core processor of unknown chipset and speed paired with 1 GB of RAM. Fueled by Android 4.4 KitKat, the smartphone comes with 4 GB of internal storage space that can be expanded and boasts of an 8 MP primary camera with LED flash. The other aspects of the smartphone include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 3G and dual SIM connectivity features.
The e-commerce portal eBay India lists the iBall Andi Uddaan Mini and the aforementioned specifications. The other details regarding the device are yet to be announced and we need to wait to know the same.
Interestingly, it is claimed that the home button of the smartphone features a Swarovski Zirconia Crystal and that the handset will support OTA updates.
Key Specs
Model | iBall Andi Uddaan Mini |
Display | – |
Processor | Quad Core |
RAM | 1 GB |
Internal Storage | 4 GB, Expandable |
OS | Android 4.4 KitKat |
Camera | 8 MP |
Battery | – |
Price | Rs 5,699 |