After T40, Panasonic India has introduced yet another smartphone in the T series with the launch of the T9. The smartphone is priced at Rs 3,750 and it features entry-level specifications suiting its pricing.
The display is 3.5 inches in size and sports HVGA resolution of 320×480 pixels that implies that is pretty basic, yet usable. Software is running on the T9 is Android 4.4 KitKat operating system. The Panasonic T9 is powered by a 1.3 GHz dual-core processor aided by 512 MB of RAM for moderate multi tasking. Internal storage is trivial at 4 GB, which is disappointing but considering that it can be expanded and the pricing of the smartphone, it should be acceptable.
Imaging hardware includes a basic 2 MP rear shooter coupled with LED Flash for low light photography and a front facing VGA front facing selfie camera. The dual SIM with dual standby smartphone comes packed with a 1,300 mAh battery. Other features include 2G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth with A2DP for connectivity and no 3G.
From the specifications, it is clear that the Panasonic T9 would be a tough challenger to the LG L45 Dual and other smartphones with similar specifications.
Key Specs
Model | Panasonic T9 |
Display | 3.5 inch, HVGA |
Processor | 1.3 GHz Dual Core |
RAM | 512 MB |
Internal Storage | 4 GB, Expandable |
OS | Android 4.4 KitKat |
Camera | 2 MP/ VGA |
Battery | 2,000 mAh |
Price | Rs 3,750 |