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Cyanogen will Update Global OnePlus One in India, Indian Variant might not get OTA Updates

Cyanogen’s exclusive stand with Micromax YU has been a source of all confusions ever since the official press statement surfaced and just when everything appeared sorted out, Cyanogen’s latest press statement has further fueled the fire.


In an elaborate Faq forum post, OnePlus clarified what Cyanogens exclusive partnership meant for Indian OnePlus Users. OnePlus clearly stated that, All Indian users – Including those buying devices from and those who already have a Global OnePlus One variant – won’t get any software update from Cyanogen Inc.

Question: If we buy the Global version in India, will we get OTA updates?

No, OTA updates are unlikely to be available as per their current announcement. However, users are welcome to manually update to the latest version. We will share easy to implement instructions through our forums.

However, today CyanogenMod released a press statement which says that it will continue to support Global devices.

“To clarify misinformation out there, the OnePlus One will get OTA firmware updates for all global devices, including global devices for our users in India. Rather than have misinformation continue to circulate out there, we felt it important to bring this matter to rest.”

“Our strategic partnership with Micromax and the new YU brand of devices will enable us to bring high quality, amazing experiences to our users in India. Our commitment is and always remains to be a user-centric company, and we will support our users wherever our OS is distributed.”

Throughout the press statement, Cyanogen has used the word “global devices”, which could mean smartphones that feature Global build of CyanogensMod (which includes those selling at or the globally shipped units of OnePlus One, excluding those retailing in India.

Devices being retailed on are less likely to get OTA updates. You can always manually flash those using simple step by step instructions and this won’t void your warranty either. OnePlus will later replace this with Android 5.0 Lollipop based ROM. Either way, those who have the global variant of OnePlus One, will continue getting OTA updates.

Deepak Singh

Deepak Singh

The Author spent a significant chunk of his formative years resisting technology. He now keeps an eye on where the world is heading to, and drives a passive pleasure from this indulgence. His passion to write, learn and improve drives him each day. When his day ends, he enjoys the pleasant languor and detoxifies with family. You can connect with him on and TwitterView Author posts
