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Adjust Keyboard size on Samsung Galaxy S6

If you have been using a small screen size device for a long time, then it gets really difficult to adjust to the new keyboard of any other device with larger screen. These days, smartphones vary in terms of width and length of their screens which makes it really difficult for the user to adjust to a new keyboard whenever he or she changes the device. Somehow, this has been taken care of by Samsung in their new flagship device named as Samsung Galaxy S6. With this device you have the option to change the height of the keyboard. Just follow the steps mentioned below and you will know how to do it.

Adjust the height of keyboard

Go to the Setting screen and then tap the option named ‘Language and Input’.


Now you see the option named Samsung Keyboard. Tap it and you will see another option named ‘Adjust Keyboard Size’.


Once you tap that option, you will be navigated to the screen where you will be allowed to change the height of the keyboard.


That’s it, the size of the keyboard has been saved. Next time, whenever you will need a keyboard this new size of the keyboard will be shown to you.


So this makes it really easier for you to adjust to the new keyboard of Samsung Galaxy S6. With such features Touchwiz is improving with every version and now most of the features are available with stock android devices. Let us know you opinion about this tip and stay tuned to know more about such tips with other flagship devices.

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh, a software engineer who is very much interested in social engineering. He is responsible to manage all the social media profiles of Gadgets To Use. He also has a hobby of tracking new apps and gadgets and to share them with our readers as well.View Author posts