Besides iOS 9, Apple has today announced the new OS X El Capitan, with its major highlights being full screen apps and a new smarter spotlight. This time, Apple has laid more emphasis on upgrading experience rather than a new design.
You can pin sites you often visit in safari, the cursor gets nice and big when you first move trackpad for easy spotting, you can work on two windows side by side, swipe with two fingers to delete messages and mails and so on.
Spotlight has also been improved and can respond to natural querries like “Documents I worked on last June.”
Apple’s Metal Graphic engine, a gaming development platform which first appeared on iOS will also be passed on to OS X with El Capitan to take full advantage of Graphics card.
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“This year we’re bringing Metal to the Mac. We’re doing more than that. Taking the graphics stacks on which OSX are built … and making run natively on Metal. 50% improvements on rendering, 40% improvement in amount of CPU necessary to do graphics.”
Apple claims performance will get a significant boost with iOS X El Capitan. Exactly how much? The new OS brings 1.4X acceleration in app launching, 2X improvement in snappiness of switching apps, twice as fast to get new mail messages, 4X as fast to get into previews.
OS ex will be available to developers today, and others will get the free upgrade later this fall.