Search engine giant, Google is testing a new method which will eliminate the need of re-entering passwords for logging into Google accounts. This new method of logging in authenticate by responding to a push notification sent by Google to their registered smartphones. This will enable the users to log in to their accounts with the help of their smartphones without any passwords. This technology is still in beta mode and tthe idea is very similar to Yahoo’s ”Account Key”, which also offers password free login.
The new password-free login method is aimed to speed up the logins and increase the security of user accounts. You only have to enter the email address when you are signing into your Google account, and then you will receive a notification on your phone asking if you are trying to login your account from another device. Simply approve the pop up by tapping ‘Yes’ and you are logged in.
Most of us have our phones nearby almost all the time and it is a great method for all the Android users. It is safer, quicker and smarter in all the ways. This will also eliminate the hassle of remembering long passwords for your account and getting hacked by a colleague in the office or a hacker.
This step from Google comes in the wake of losses of billions of dollars due to phishing attacks on Google accounts every year. Google has been trying to find out ways to counter these phishing attacks. This technology when available will prevent unauthorized access to Google accounts. Let us know your views on this initiative by Google on the comments section below.