India’s consumer electronic accessory brand Envent has launched two new bluetooth speakers under LiveFree sub brand. The Envent LiveFree 570 and Envent LiveFree 530 are the two new additions to their bluetooth speaker collection. These two come with some good set of features like long lasting battery, water resistance, voice calling, light weight, dust resistance and are packed in a stylish, sturdy and compact body. Both are available exclusively on Flipkart for Rs. 3,999 and Rs. 2,499 respectively.
Envent LiveFree 570
It is a 12 watt High bass bluetooth speaker with bluetooth 4.0 support. It comes with a massive 4000mAh lithium-polymer battery which can power it for up to 9 hours of continuous playback. It is also quite light weight which makes it easy to carry around. The speaker comes with IPX4 certification which means it is water resistant and it can easily withstand water splashes. It also comes with a built in microphone and a call answering button which allows you to take calls directly from the speaker. It comes with a 3.5mm audio jack for connection, in case if you don’t have a bluetooth enabled device. The Envent LiveFree 570 has been priced at Rs. 3,999.
Envent LiveFree 530
The Envent LiveFree 530 is a 10 watt mobile bluetooth speaker. It comes with a built in microphone which helps in voice calling. It’s an IPX5 certified device which makes it a water resistant and shock proof device. This device can survive even if it is dropped from a height of 5 feet. It comes with a 2000mAh lithium-ion battery which can power it for up to 5 hours. The Envent LiveFree 530 comes in two color options, Blue and Orange. It also has got a silicon strap which provide it the flexibility of hanging it from anywhere. The Envent LiveFree 530 has been priced at Rs. 2,499.