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Samsung Launches W2017, Dual Display Flip Phone

Samsung has been producing gorgeous looking flagships; Note 7 is the epitome of the design on a smartphone. But for a change, Samsung launched our once beloved flip phone named W2016, which was exclusively sold in China. Today, it has launched the successor of W2016 named W2017.

It boasts powerful specs that are on par with current generation high-end phones. However, it comes with a hefty price tag and availability in other markets is dubious.


Specifications: W2016 V/S W2017

[table id=1 /]

Now, don’t faint after reading the last row. Atleast on paper, the phone doesn’t justify the exorbitant price tag. Maybe, it should have been build by some premium material.

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh

Abhinav Singh, a software engineer who is very much interested in social engineering. He is responsible to manage all the social media profiles of Gadgets To Use. He also has a hobby of tracking new apps and gadgets and to share them with our readers as well.View Author posts
