Panasonic has launched yet another budget smartphone. This time, it is the Eluga Ray. The entry-level device comes with a fingerprint scanner embedded into its home button. With a price tag of Rs. 7,999, the Panasonic Eluga Ray features a quad-core processor, 3GB of RAM, 4,000mAh battery and 4G VoLTE connectivity. The phone will go on sale on Monday, 15th May 2017 exclusively through Flipkart.
Panasonic Eluga Ray Specifications
Coming to the specs, the Panasonic Eluga Ray sports a 5 inch HD (1280 x 720) display. Inside there lies a 64-bit MediaTek quad core processor running at 1.3 GHz. This is mated with 3 GB of RAM and 16 GB of onboard storage. The phone has a microSD card slot too. The Eluga Ray runs on Android 6.0 Marshmallow out of the box.
A 13 MP autofocus camera sits at the back of the newly launched handset. It can shoot Full HD (1080 x 1920) videos at up to 30 fps. The front snapper is a standard 5 MP fixed focus unit. Both the rear and the selfie cameras are assisted by dedicated LED flashes.
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One of the premium aspects of the Eluga Ray is its front mounted fingerprint scanner. Incorporated into the home button, the biometric sensor is certainly a class apart in this price range.
Speaking of connectivity, the latest smartphone from Panasonic supports 4G LTE as well as VoLTE. Apart from this, there is the usual Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, 3.5 mm headphone jack, micro-USB 2.0 port, FM Radio, etc.
Measuring at 144.4 mm × 71.6 mm × 9.7 mm and with a weight of 169 gm, the Eluga Ray is somewhat bulky considering it has a 5-inch screen. However, the huge 4,000 mAh battery inside the phone makes up for it.
Pricing and Availability
The Panasonic Eluga Ray costs just Rs. 7,999, which is quite good considering its features. The phone will be available for purchase exclusively through Flipkart starting on 15th May 2017. It is worth mentioning that the smartphone will be sold at an additional Rs. 1,000 discount on exchange as a part of the Flipkart Big 10 Sale.