Amazon India has silently increased the minimum order amount required to be eligible for free delivery to Rs. 599. Previously, you didn’t need to pay any delivery charges if your purchased items were worth Rs. 499 or more. In comparison, Flipkart has still stuck to its Rs. 500 minimum purchase amount for free delivery, while Snapdeal waives shipping charges for almost every prepaid order.
Needless to say, the latest move by Amazon won’t affect its Prime members. They will continue to get no-cost delivery on all orders as well as free one-day delivery. has also introduced ‘Guaranteed Morning Delivery’ and ‘Guaranteed Same-Day Delivery’, in selected cities in India. They cost Rs. 150 for regular users and Rs. 50 for Amazon Prime members.
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This silent rise in minimum purchase amount may be a step to promote the Amazon Prime, which costs Rs. 499 for a year’s membership. This quiet inflation is eerily similar to the way Uber increased its fares in India. It looks like silent inflation is a characteristic feature of both the American companies.
Coming to the competitors of, Flipkart has not yet increased its minimum order amount and Snapdeal usually offers free delivery on every prepaid order. It will be interesting to see how both the online megastores react to Amazon’s newest decision.