Lenovo-owned Motorola seems to be on launching spree this year. Yesterday, the company released the Moto Z2 Play in India for Rs. 27,999. Today, a Twitter tipster has revealed the alleged pricing of three upcoming Motorola smartphones. Named as the Motorola Moto G5S+, Moto X4 or Moto X (2017) and Moto Z2 Force, they will reportedly cost Rs. 17,999, Rs. 20,999, and Rs. 38,999 respectively in India.
Motorola is yet to officially announce the three handsets. However, the trio has been leaking on the internet for quite some time. So, we already have some idea about their specifications.
Motorola Moto G5S+ Specs
This is going to be a minor upgrade over the Moto G5 Plus. The Moto G5S+ will come with a 5.5-inch Full HD display and a full metal body. The phone is expected to pack the Snapdragon 626 SoC along with up to 4 GB of RAM and 64 GB of storage. The G5S+ would also boast a dual camera setup. According to the new rumor, it will cost Rs. 17,999 in India.
Motorola Moto X4 or Moto X (2017) Specs
Lenovo is going to place the Moto X4 just beneath its flagship Z series. The upcoming smartphone will pack a 5.2 inch Full HD (1080 x 1920) display. The Moto X4 is expected to boast a premium metal body covered with a 3D glass. It will sport a Snapdragon 660 SoC along with 4 GB of LPDDR4 RAM and 64 GB of onboard storage.
The next addition to the Moto X family will rock a dual lens rear smart camera. It is going to come with IP68 certified water and dust resistance. The phone will pack a 3800mAh battery with turbocharging capability.
Motorola Moto Z2 Force Specs
The Moto Z2 Force will boast 5.5-inch ShatterShield screen along with a sturdy exterior. It is expected to get fuelled by the mighty Snapdragon 835 SoC. This will be mated with 4 GB or 6 GB of RAM along with 64 GB of onboard memory. It should also rock a dual camera at the back. The Moto Z2 Force will support Moto Mods.