A week after the sale of OnePlus 5T goes live in India, the company has announced a special edition of the phone. Yes, they are launching OnePlus 5T Star Wars Limited Edition on December 14 in India. Apart from the launch event, there will be a pop-up event and a grand surprise as per the company website.
To recall, OnePlus when launched OnePlus 5T in New York last month, they also live streamed the event in some select PVRs in India. Now, this special edition launch event is also going to be in Carnival Cinemax Wadala, Mumbai. The tickets for the same starts selling on December 07 and cost at Rs. 1,999 each.
The company also offering some goodies with the ticket. The fans can get an official Star Wars T-shirt worth Rs.999 and a OnePlus Star Wars Laptop bag worth Rs.1999. They can also experience the phone live at the Pop-up event.
It as to be noted that the next part of the Star Wars series movies, Star Wars: The Last Jedi is scheduled to release on the December 15. So, OnePlus might be launching the OnePlus 5T Star Wars Edition in partnership with Disney, the distributor of Star Wars movies.
The Star Wars Limited Edition comes in a new color scheme, with an all-white back and red Star Wars logo at the bottom. The front and the buttons on the side are black. The alert slider, however, is in bright red and the phone looks premium in this color scheme too.
Previously, the Chinese company had also launched special limited editions of its other flagships. They launched a Black Colette Limited Edition of the OnePlus 3T and a OnePlus 5 JCC Limited Edition. Both the special editions were limited to certain regions. Therefore, the Star Wars Edition is also likely to be limited to the Indian market.
Recently, the OnePlus 5T was launched in India at the pop-up event and went on sale via Amazon just last week. The latest flagship comes with features like edge-to-edge 6.01-inch full HD+ AMOLED display, Android 7.1.1 Nougat, Snapdragon 835 chipset, 6GB RAM and 16MP+20MP dual rear camera setup to name a few.