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Instagram is testing Nametags feature similar to Snapchat’s QR codes

Instagram is testing a new Nametags feature for its users just like the Snapchat’s QR codes. This feature will let users create a code which other people scan to open the associated account and follow it instantly. This feature is already available in Snapchat wherein it creates a QR code with Snapchat‘s logo in the center.

TechCrunch previously reported this feature in the Instagram’s Android app APK last month and this time Genady Okrain got this feature in screenshots and a little video clip. It enables us to take a good look at the feature, he demonstrated to create his own Nametag.


The Nametags feature in Instagram will make easier to promote the Instagram account visually. It will also make it simple to follow a friend without searching it on Instagram, with this feature Instagram will scan the Nametag and the profile will open instantly. Businesses and celebrities will be able to promote their accounts by posting these Nametags. They can even print the Nametags on their merchandise to promote their accounts even more.

A spokesperson from Instagram has confirmed to TechCrunch that they are testing this feature. TechCrunch also reported that another code has been found on the Instagrams Android apk which hints at Instagrams Video Calling feature, and in the meanwhile, they are also testing a portrait mode feature called Focus.

Once the feature will roll out publically, users will be able to create the name tags by tapping the button on the profile page. After that, they will be able to change the appearance of the nametag using a various feature which Instagram is about to add in the next update.

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts
