Update: Flipkart’s page has now revealed more specs of realme 5s. The upcoming phone will be powered by Snapdragon 665 processor, the same chipset which powers Realme 5. Additionally, the Realme 5s will sport a 6.51-inch HD+ dewdrop notch display.
Realme has officially confirmed that it will also launch realme 5s in India on November 20 alongside realme X2 Pro. Flipkart’s microsite for this phone reveals features like a 48MP quad-camera setup, a diamond-cut pattern, a physical fingerprint scanner on the back and a 5,000mAh battery.
The teaser reads “Ultra Detailed Pictures, that remain sharp even when zoomed in”. This suggests that realme 5s could sport a telephoto lens in quad camera set up. No other detail about the phone has been revealed as of now.
To recall, Realme is all set to launch its flagship realme X2 Pro on November 20 in India. There were already reports regarding the Realme 5s. The listing in the Bureau of Indian Standards confirmed the model number RMX1925 and the National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission in Thailand confirmed the name as realme 5s.
Now, the company itself confirmed that it will also launch a second phone on November 20 event. realme 5s will feature 48MP quad-camera just like previously launched Realme 5 Pro. However, it will have a bigger battery than Realme 5 Pro. No other specs are available as of now, and we expect it will have the same specs as Realme 5 Pro. We should know all the details when it launches next week.