Xiaomi launched its new CC9 series in China last year and its Mi CC9 Lite was later rebranded as Mi A3 in India. The phone came with similar features and specs as China version but instead of MIUI, it ran on a stock version of Android as Mi A series in India is made for Android One branded phones. Now, Xiaomi seems to be working on this year’s CC10 series if some of the leaks are to be believed.
Like last year, Xiaomi may use the Mi CC10 Lite as the Mi A4 in India. A set of images of the alleged Mi CC10 series has surfaced on internet that appears to be only concept renders of the phone. Looking at the renders we can say Xiaomi is improving the affordable CC series in terms of design and build quality.
Mi A4 Design
Two concept renders have leaked online which are believed to be of Mi CC10 and Mi CC10 Lite. These two look almost similar. The design comes with a massive change from what the CC9 series offered. The CC10 can be seen with a bezel-less display having a small punch-hole cutout for the selfie camera.
The small cutout and slim bezels suggest it could be an AMOLED panel. At the back, the CC10 seems to sport the same gradient color as the CC9 series. However, it comes with a circular camera module that looks similar to what we saw on the OnePlus 7T last year.
The quad cameras in the setup also have a highlighter lens design just like the Redmi K20 Pro. Moreover, there is no fingerprint visible on the back which suggests an in-display one and which further hints at the use of AMOLED panel again.
Since these are concept renders, so you should take these with a pinch of salt. However, it will be interesting to see what changes Xiaomi brings for the Mi A4 this year.