Unlike WhatsApp, Telegram is a highly versatile messaging platform. You can chat with other contacts as well as join groups and channels with whopping 200,000 members. However, this also means that you will be constantly bombarded by notifications from all these chats, groups, and channels. If you don’t want to receive any annoying notifications or prefer to read the messages only when you open them manually, you can go ahead and mute chats, groups, and channels on Telegram. Here’s how you can do it on the Telegram app for Android, iOS, desktop, or web version.
Also, read | 3 Chat Features That Make Telegram Better Than WhatsApp
Mute Chats, Groups, and Channels on Telegram
Telegram lets you disable or mute notifications from one-on-one chats, group conversations as well as channels. So, if you don’t want continuous alerts from these chats, you can mute them individually on the platform.
On Android
- Open the Telegram app on your Android phone.
- Head to the chat, group, or channel which you want to mute.
- While in the conversation screen, click the three dots at the top right.
- Click on Mute Notifications and select Disable.
On iOS (iPhone/ iPad)
- Launch the Telegram app on your iPhone.
- Open the chat, group, or channel that you want to mute.
- In the conversation screen, click the contact, group, or channel name at the top.
- On the info page, click on Mute and select Mute Forever.
On Desktop
- Open the Telegram app on your computer.
- Right-click over the chat, group, or channel you want to disable notifications for.
- Click on Disable Notifications.
- Select Forever and press OK.
On Web Version
- Open Telegram web in your browser.
- Click the chat you want to mute notifications for.
- Tap the contact, group, or channel name at the top.
- Disable the toggle for Notifications.
If you don’t want to mute chats forever, you can select a shorter duration. For now, Telegram lets you mute chats for 1 hour, 8 hours, and 2 days apart from letting you disable them permanently.
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Wrapping Up
This was all about how you can mute notifications for chats, groups, and channels on Telegram. In case you change your mind in the future, you can always repeat the steps to unmute the conversations or re-enable the notifications. Have any other queries? Please feel free to reach out via comments below.
Also, read- How to Secure Your Telegram Chats with Passcode; Enable Fingerprint Lock.
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