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How to Get Fortnite on Android Smartphone Without Invite

Samsung has released the Galaxy Note 9 on August 9 and also released the game Fortnite exclusively on Samsung devices with the launch. Epic Games has made the Fortnite game available for some compatible smartphones which come with the high-end Qualcomm Snapdragon 845 processor.

But there is a catch, the non-Samsung compatible smartphones need to wait for a confirmation from Epic Games to play the game. Epic games it taking a long time to release the beta to all the compatible smartphones. So, a user on XDA developers has modified the apk and got the game before the actual launch.

The modified apk skips the device and CPU check and spoofs your phone to be Galaxy Note 9. This apk also skips the RAM check which makes it possible to play this game of smartphones with less RAM. But playing it on smartphones with less than 4GB RAM will create random crashes and smartphone to heat up pretty quickly.


Steps to Install Fortnite on Compatible Android Smartphones

  1. Make sure that you are on a compatible smartphone, check out this list on Epic Games website to make sure.
  2. If you already have any Fortnite related apk installed from beta then uninstall them first. Also, disable the USB debugging from the Developer options if enabled.
  3. Now, download the apk from here and install it on your smartphone.
  4. Launch the app from app drawer and let it install download the data for the game.
  5. Once the data get downloaded, log in with your existing Fortnite ID or create a new ID to login to the game.


Now, enjoy the game with your friends or play it solo like a champ. If you are playing this game on a non-compatible smartphone then your smartphone might get heated while gaming. If you are getting any error or crash then tell us int he comments so, we can tell you about the possible fix.

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts
