Google has started rolling out offline support for YouTube in India, as promised at Android One event a few months back. This means, users can now download and add videos to YouTube app when on WiFi and watch them later even without a WiFi connection.
This makes sense for Indian market, where most people still use 2G networks. Like all other updates, this one too will roll out in phases and should reach most users in coming week. If you haven’t received it, you don’t need to worry just yet.
For using YouTube Offline, you can just tab the download button next to the title and select the desired quality. The video will then download to your smartphone. These offline videos can be viewed only on YouTube.
Earlier this year, YouTube rolled out the option to select video playback quality on Android devices, another feature which can benefit users with no access to high internet speeds. Downloading YouTube videos is still possible, but via third party apps like TubeMate available on third party app stores. Integrating this feature in main YouTube app is something which will be widely appreciated in India.