Consumer electronics manufacturer Kyocera have unveiled a portable printer for the market in India. Called FS 1060 DN, the printer is advertised as a cost effective and mobile printing alternative. Kyocera has earlier been associated with telecom operators like Tata Indicom.
Among other specifications of the printer, highlights include the ability to print up to 25 A4 sized pages in a minute. The printer is also said to be a low-noise one, thus printing pages without causing a lot of sound. The device comes with a unique ‘Quiet Mode’ button which further reduces the amount of noise coming from the printer while in operation.
The printer uses the laser printing technology and has a density of 1200 dpi. It weighs 6.7 kg approx. and measures 358 × 276 × 241 mm. The FS 1060 DN portable printer can draw power from 220-240V sources, thus making is usable in the country. The printer has a 390MHz internal processor along with 32 MB RAM.
Kyocera will be providing a warranty of 1 year for customers of this product.