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Top 5 Apps to Auto Backup Smartphone Camera Photos, Videos for Free on Internet

In the last decade Camera Phones have replaced digital cameras in our life. No longer do we need to carry an additional snapshot equipment – our smartphones do the job for us. With excellent snapper specifications available at very reasonable prices, Smartphone camera’s are easily becoming integral part of  our lives and we all use them to capture valuable memories. However, there are complications in storing your Photos on your device – the storage space is a limitation, and a graver issue is the security of this precious personal content.

One infuriating yet inescapable fact is that phone storage crash and data can be lost. Loss of the device itself, or a software/hardware failure may result in an unfortunate situation, to avoid which users can backup important files present on their devices and for more details read our article on Phone backups. Sometimes your storage might crash before you can transfer contents from your smartphone or you might lose or accidentally damage your smartphone any given day. Cloud Backups provide an answer to such annoying situations. Some of us like to live on the cloud, some don’t and especially in India we still see many people shying away from Cloud storage. Nonetheless, for those who do utilize Cloud services, here are some important apps which you can use to automatically store images on the cloud.



Dropbox is Google’s Cloud storage service, and could be said to the first breakaway app to start the proper Photo/Video sync revolution. It supports a multitude of platforms, from Android, iOS, Windows Phone to Windows and Mac OS X. The appeal of Dropbox lies in its flawless sync and share features.

Dropbox offers users the option to auto-upload Photos and Videos, and some useful additional options such as only uploading files while on Wi-Fi. It provides users with a 2 GB account on sign up, and users can either increase this storage space size by fulfilling various promotional offers, or subscribing for up to 500GB of storage space.


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Mega is the cloud storage service launched by former Megaupload file hosting service’s founder Kim Dotcom. True to the ideals of its predecessor companies which were closed down due to alleged copyright infringement activities, Mega allows a huge 50 GB storage space to users, perfect sync features and no size limit on the files. The app is available on Android and iOS, and will soon be launched for the Windows Phone OS.

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Mega is extremely efficient for syncing Photos and Videos, with options to upload Photos only over Wi-Fi, and only when charging etc. Using various subscription plans, users can also increase their storage space limit from 500-4000GB.


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Microsoft recently changed the name of it’s online backup and syncing service to OneDrive from SkyDrive. The OneDrive app is available on all three major Smartphone OS. OneDrive offers users a 7 GB cloud storage, and an additional 3 GB on turning on the Camera backup option.

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It allows users to automatically sync their Media files, and the option to Use Mobile Network for data upload as well. With an exceptionally clean and clear interface and flexibility amongst various platforms, OneDrive is one of the most popular Cloud storage services allowing automatic upload of Media files, especially amid Windows Phone users.


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The Google+ app linked to your device through your Gmail ID allows users to automatically backup new photos and videos to Google Photos. It essentially provides users with 15 GB of storage space for free, which is shared across Google Drive, Gmail & Google+ Photos.

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However, the interesting thing to note here is that any Photo upload less than 2048 pixels in width or height will not be counted against this storage. For bigger Photos, Google+ will offer to to re-size the image, and this makes this storage space almost limitless.


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With over 5 million subscribers, the Box Cloud storage is possibly the most popular Cloud storage service available across all three popular Mobile OS which are the Android, iOS and Windows Phone platforms. It provides user with 10 GB of free data storage on signup.

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Strictly speaking, Box does not have features to auto upload photos just yet. Users can however very easily upload Media folders, and there are other apps available, such as Photo Sync for Box, which provide users with the option to automatically upload files to Box. Moreover, an integrated option to auto upload files is expected to be available on the app very soon.

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Another annoying thing about the app is that there exists a 250 MB limit on the size of the file that you can upload, making it very difficult to upload Full HD Video Recordings.

Some Other Apps

Other than the five apps mentioned above, Apps like Flickr, Amazon Cloud Drive Photos, G Cloud Backup etc. all provide auto-upload and sync features for your device. Using these apps, users can make certain that their precious media files always have an alternate Backup.


Cloud and other Online storage make it easier for users to access their Photos and Videos almost anywhere. Easy-to-use interfaces result in these apps providing the user with a one-click ability to upload, share and sync Media files.

While some concerns regarding security of user’s personal data available on Cloud has been raised by the online community, the fact is that if done using reputable and popular Cloud Storage apps, syncing Media files is a superb backup alternative and a major boon for the users.


Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts
