Karbonn has been involved in splashing the market with such entry-level devices in the sub Rs 10,000 price bracket off late. This week, the vendor partnered with the e-commerce portal Flipkart in order to launch three of its low-cost smartphones. In the trio, the Smart A11 Star priced at Rs 4,499 appears to flaunt a relatively larger display compared to the rest, while the other specs remain the same. Let us take a look at the quick review of the handset.
Camera and Internal Storage
The device is equipped with a primary camera of 5 MP and a front-facing VGA facer. It has to be noted that Karbonn has not decided to compromise on video calling capability by including a basic front camera. Consequently, the handset is fully occupied when it comes to basic functionality despite its low pricing.
The native storage capacity of the device is 4 GB, which can be extended externally by another 32 GB with the help of external memory support.
Processor and Battery
The MediaTek dual-core processor ticking at a frequency of 1.2 GHz is pretty decent for the pricing of the handset. This processor is supported by a 512 MB of RAM that is again a standard feature among the sub Rs 7,000 priced smartphones. Also, we can find many other smartphones with similar processor and RAM combination.
The battery available on the device has the strength of 1,400 mAh which is decent enough for the screen size and resolution of the display.
Display and Features
The device is available with a screen size of 4.3 inches with the resolution of 480×800 pixels. This kind of a display can be seen in many of the budget smartphones and it should suffice the basic tasks without much hassle.
The device will be preloaded with Android 4.4.2 KitKat with bleak chances of an update in future. Also, there are standard connectivity features such as 3G, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS for users to stay connected on the go.
The handset will compete with similar smartphones in the entry-level market such as Micromax Unite 2 A106, Gionee Pioneer P4 and Lenovo A526.
Key Specs
Model | Karbonn Smart A11 Star |
Display | 4.3 inch, 480×800 |
Processor | 1.2 GHz Dual Core MediaTek |
RAM | 512 MB |
Internal Storage | 4 GB, Expandable up to 32 GB |
OS | Android 4.4.2 KitKat |
Camera | 5 MP/ VGA |
Battery | 1,400 mAh |
Price | Rs 4,499 |
What we Like
- Android KitKat OS
- MediaTek chipset
What we Dislike
- Low storage space
- No LED flash
Price and Conclusion
The Karbonn Smart A11 Star provides almost similar specifications as the others in this price range. Expect the notable Android KitKat platform, the handset seems to lag behind in other aspects, though it is good enough for the first time smartphone buyers. The handset priced at Rs 4,499 can definitely be the right one for the feature phone upgraders.