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Google Person Finder to Help Jammu and Kashmir Flood Victims

As the state of Jammu and Kashmir adding beauty to India is facing the worst floods in almost 60 years, the communication modes have been uprooted making the region inaccessible. Google has launched numerous tools to help in gathering and relaying details about the victims who have been affected by the calamity. One of the tools that Google has been working on is the Google Person Finder.

google person finder

The Google Person Finder is a web application that lets individuals to post information and search for the status of their friends and family members who were affected by the disaster. All one as to search about is “I’m Looking for Someone” and type in their name and details. As the number of records increases, the tool will be easier for those who are safe and they can pass on their status to others who are worried.

Interestingly, this service is available with support for English and Hindi languages. Also, it can be embedded on any website using the corresponding HTML code. The Person Finder is available for mobile phones as well and users can request the status by sending a SMS reading ‘Search’ followed by the person’s name to 9773300000.

In order to immediately make emergency information available, Google has launched Onebox on Google Search in Hindi and English. This service will offer helpline information with numbers to Army, Home Ministry and NDRF Control Room.

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Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar

Abhishek Bhatnagar, a known technology blogger & YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, now he works as the editor-In-Chief, Webmaster, & Managing Director at Gadgets To Use. He runs a number of other technology websites as well.View Author posts
