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Has Your Phone Become Your PC, What You Can Expect in Future?

Has Your Phone Become Your PC, What You Can Expect in Future?

Table of Contents

Short Summary

  • But all said and done, our smartphones can act as our PCs, and that is cool when we are on the move or stuck in an emergency situation, but rather than replacing our work horse, they have better stuff to do and better direction to evolve in.
  • This is susceptible to change in future but today, we wouldn’t want our smartphone to replace our PC anymore than we would want our smart watches to replace our smartphones.
  • Streaming dongles – Dongles like Google Chromecast and Teewe can help you convert normal HD TV to Smart TV and make your smartphone a convenient remote in the process.

Modern smartphones have more power than most users need. Yet the struggle to better the best and reach new heights continues, with even more enthusiasm, even today. More and more people are comfortable executing tasks which were solely reserved for personal computers on their portable gadgets. App ecosystem has evolved, and the list of things you can’t do on your phones is shrinking.


Have our smartphones truly replaced our PCs?

Nope, we are not there yet, but yes the possibility is real. A bigger display will always be re required for efficient day to day usage, and so will peripherals like Keyboard and mouse. Another prerequisite is multitasking, which is still not stellar on all smartphone operating systems.

Windows is the most popular OS on PCs and With Windows 10, it is going universal. Windows Continuum for Windows 10 smartphones will ensure you will be able to run universal apps and get a PC like experience.

Microsoft demonstrated a Windows 10 preview running Smartphone attached to a display, bluetooth mouse and keyboard, and running Microsoft Office apps flawlessly. This is the first thing which could make Android fans jump the ship and buy Windows phone. Check out the video below.

Windows Continuum for Phones

Do we need our phones to be our PCs?

But all said and done, our smartphones can act as our PCs, and that is cool when we are on the move or stuck in an emergency situation, but rather than replacing our work horse, they have better stuff to do and better direction to evolve in. This is susceptible to change in future but today, we wouldn’t want our smartphone to replace our PC anymore than we would want our smart watches to replace our smartphones.

Internet of Things

Our world is gadgets are getting smarter. In a more connected world, our smartphone will play a convenient remote or base station to communicate with other devices.

Smart bulbs – There are several smart bulbs available and they are getting smarter. They can display different color lights and a combination of these can be used to change entire lighting according to your mood. They can sync with alarm in your mobile phone and light up when its time to wake up. You can turn them on or off from anywhere on the planet. possibilities are endless, and a simple smartphone app can help you efficiently control your home lighting.


Xiaomi Mi Smart Plug board – Xiaomi Recently launched a smart plug board which costs just around 500 INR approx, but it cannot be controlled by smartphone for switch on / off action.


Streaming dongles – Dongles like Google Chromecast and Teewe can help you convert normal HD TV to Smart TV and make your smartphone a convenient remote in the process. You can stream content from your phone or Youtube and enjoy the big screen experience.

Nest – Nest thermostat, which was recently acquired by Google learns your schedule in a week, and automatically adjusts home temperature. You can also manually control it from your smartphone.


These are just a few examples of how smartphones will play a central role in the smart homes of future. We already have things like Smartlock, Smart cooker, Smart Garage door opener and even smart bed. Besides fulfilling there role as remote control for everything ‘Smart’ there are other area’s where smartphones will evolve.

Mobile Payments

Our Smartphones will replace our wallets too. NFC token based Android Pay, Apple Pay and Samsung Pay are already familiar terms. These services make secure mobile payments a real possibility which consumers are adopting at a fast pace. So in the near future, you won’t have to carry both your big phablet-esque smartphones and thick wallets in your pants.

Recommended: Samsung Pay VS Apple Pay: Which one is Better?

Health and Fitness


Combined with wearables or even alone, smartphones are already tracking our activities, calories burnt and heart rate. Innovative wearables like Goqii are also using them the right way to provide a distant coach to motivate people towards better lifestyle. Next biosensors will be integrated with our shoes, clothing etc, to track our movements and habits real time. This bio data will be delivered to your smartphone fitness app via bluetooth and used to analyze your fitness routine. Smart socks, Smart fitness gears, etc are already real things.

Biometric Security


Our smartphones will rely on biometric security in future. There are phones with fingerprint scanner already available ,and rumors of phones with iris scanner are also doing rounds. This plays a major role in making mobile payments secure and feasible, and in future, our biometric data might also replace passwords and codes, and would be used to access other smart gadgets. For instance, you could scan your fingerprint or retina to unlock your car or house door securely. This will enhance the security aspects of things around you.

Project Ara


Google is working on delivering modular phones which will be cheap, infinitely customizable and durable. You could get an ARA Skeleton and design a cheap phone which you would simply like to be your PC with a fast processor, zero camera and substandard display, or you could design one for other specific applications you would want to run. This future tech will revolutionize smartphone usage and enable users to actually put them to alternate uses without any worries.

Recommended: Project Ara – Will It Have Smartphone For Indian Needs?


The way tech is evolving, our smartphones or computers we keep in our pockets, are destined to play the role of a powerful mediator interface between us and everything around us. This will require them to hold our biometric and other data securely, and for them to be much more powerful with great battery backup. We would like to hear your views on the topic. Leave a comment below.

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Our Little Story and its youtube channel was founded in year 2012 by Abhishek Bhatnagar.

Abhishek Bhatnagar is a popular technology blogger & Tech YouTuber from India. A Software Engineer by qualification, he works as the Editor-in-Chief at Gadgets To Use. He runs several other technology websites as well.