LeEco Le 2 was launched in China today. The latest smartphone from LeEco comes with a 5.5 inch full HD display and a an octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 processor. Le 2 also comes without a 3.5 mm audio jack, in anticipation of Apple’s next iPhone not having it either. It is a bit too early to tell if audio via the USB Type C port is going to be a better experience or not, and whether it’s okay for Android OEMs to take rumours about next iPhone so seriously. Either way, it is a very interesting move. Only time will tell if it’s a success or not.
LeEco Le 2 Specifications
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LeEco Le 2 Coverage
LeEco Le 2 Quick Review, Specs Overview And Hands On
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LeEco Le 2 FAQ, Pros & Cons, User Queries and Answers
LeEco Le 2 India, 5 Reasons to Buy and 2 Reasons to Not Buy
Physical Overview
The first thing thing that strikes you about the LeEco Le 2 is the design. It looks premium and is quite minimalist. While it’s easy for companies to go a little overboard while trying to look different, LeEco has maintained a minimalist approach. The metallic design adds to the premium looks.
The front of the device houses the display. The bezels are really thin on the sides and come with a black border. This helps in making it look even thinner than it actually is. On the top, there’s the earpiece, with the front camera and ambient light sensor on either sides.
The bottom houses the USB Type C reversible port. LeEco has removed the 3.5 mm audio jack and will use the USB port for headphones and charging too. It’s an interesting choice like we said before, but the adoption rates remain to be seen.
On the back, there’s the 16 MP camera with dual LED flash. Just below the camera module, you will find the fingerprint sensor. Even though Le 2 is a budget device, it’s good to see LeEco add it to the phone to make it more competitive.
User Interface
The Le 2 comes with Android 6.0 Marshmallow out of the box with LeEco’s custom skin EUI 5.5 on top. Like most other Chinese companies, LeEco too has added a suite of features not present in stock Android. This makes sure you get both – customization options and important features – without having to do anything extra.
Camera Overview
The Le 2 comes with a 16 MP main camera on the back, along with dual LED flash. While it does not feature fancy OIS or Phase Detection Autofocus, it does come with a front 8 MP camera with a large 1.4µm pixel size. This means your selfies should have a lot more detail compared to regular front camera pics.
LeEco is going all out with its new Le Max 2, Le 2 Pro and the Le 2. While the Le 2 is the most affordable phone among the three, it comes with some high end features at a very low price. Reports are coming in that LeEco could launch the phone in India as early as May, so you may want to keep a look out for this phone. We will update you as we know more details.